Customer Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 1–hour Response Guarantee

  • Our client service team is trained to very quickly take care of all of our Linux shared hosting clients’ problems and support questions. Through our ticketing system, it will be possible to send your issue and a support team member will, no doubt go back to to you in only max sixty minutes. Actually, practice has revealed that the ordinary reply time is Twenty or so minutes.

  • Top quality support service
  • A Top–quality Support Service

  • Our help and support service is offered by a group of educated technicians who’re ready to answer to your questions right away. You’re able to speak with the support staff by opening a tech support ticket from your Website Control Panel or by sending us an e–mail. On working days, you can also call us on the telephone or take advantage of the live chat option.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Section

  • Tonga Web Host has built–in a thorough knowledge base into the Control Panel to help you to get hold of helpful step–by–step guidelines anytime. Each part of the Control Panel features its own contextual support area presenting a selection of how–to posts. We have also prepared video lessons to ensure that you get a much better idea of the best way to conduct any presented activity.