NVMe–driven VPS Hosting Solutions

A lot faster VPS’s with NVMe space

Using an NVMe–driven website hosting server could be a big plus as far as web page optimization is concerned. A site or a web application hosted on an NVMe drive will load and perform much more speedily as opposed to a webpage or a web app held on a typical hard disk. This is why, all our Linux KVM virtual private servers are designed with NVMe storage.

NVMe–driven VPS Hosting Solutions

Absolute OS independence

Install whatever Operating System you want

Normally, when you buy a VPS, you get to choose from a limited range of Operating Systems, as they’re the only ones compatible with the virtualization software itself. KVM-powered VPSs, however, do not need any kind of virtualization software – they communicate directly with the physical host server’s hardware components. This goes to say that you can select pretty much any OS that can run on the given server. Do you intend to install BSD on your Virtual Private Server? It can be accomplished.
Absolute OS independence

A trailblazing virtualization platform

A host OS kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) virtualization

The number-one benefit of the KVM virtualization platform is that it is baked directly into the physical host server’s Operating System, eliminating the demand for any additional virtualization layers. This means that there is no necessity for a supplementary software application that rests between the host machine and the VPSs that have been configured. This also rules out the virtualization layer as a latent single point of failure (SPOF). All this results in faster and far more dependable KVM-based VPSs in comparison with other VPSs.
A trailblazing virtualization platform

An immensely better resource utilization

Server resources for your own exclusive use

By erasing the necessity for a supplementary virtualization layer through which the entire communication with the main server is routed, KVM-driven VPSs can benefit from a remarkably improved system resource usage. With KVM, the virtualization commands are implemented directly into the kernel of the host OS, which means that all KVM-powered Virtual Private Servers can interact directly with the physical server’s CPU (central processing unit). On the other hand, Virtio disk and network drivers cut out any unneeded emulation on the host. This lowered communication redundancy means a pronouncedly faster real-world performance in comparison with other virtualization architectures.
An immensely better resource utilization

A 99.9% Network Uptime

High–class safety is guaranteed

Our server operators are working in cooperation with the technical engineers at our data center in North America to provide a stable platform for your VPS. In the US data center we also use the most recently released server equipment and security and safety applications in the marketplace to ensure a 99.9% uptime for your digital platform.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Linux release Options

Discover your Linux syndication

You are able to choose a Linux distribution – CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu with all of our Linux KVM virtual private servers.

Linux release Options

Installation & Problem–Solving

Our system administrators are prepared to assist you with all software package installations

In the event you need to set up a specific software application for your web site or if there is a really tricky problem with your site that you really do not know how to fix, our professional system professionals will give you a hand. Using the Installing & Problem–solving service, you can employ our system professionals to execute the stressful work for you.

Installation & Problem–Solving

No Configuration Fees for Your VPS

We arrange the web hosting server totally free for you

The price of a Linux KVM virtual private server is greater than that of an ordinary cloud web hosting pack by reason of the leading–edge virtualization technology it is founded on. This is why we don’t charge you any startup or network upkeep service fees. The end price of your Linux KVM virtual private server is the price that you can find mentioned on our web hosting store.

No Configuration Fees for Your VPS

VPS server Backup

A very simple and risk–free option to preserve fundamental data

There’s hardly anything more frustrating than losing your information on the web hosting server accidentally and not knowing the right way to repair it. Each of our Linux KVM virtual private servers is supported by our sys admins regularly and could be recovered at any time. This means that we make a backup copy of pretty much everything on your web server – from your web site’s favicon to your web server and PHP configurations.

VPS server Backup

Complete Root Access to Your VPS

Manage each aspect of your web server

We give you full admin admission to your Linux KVM virtual private server (with cPanel), to make sure you can get full control over your web hosting server. You could re–setup the existing Operating System or re–configure the Apache server. Also, you can easily install any new server software that you like. If you require help working with your web hosting server, you should look at our Installation & Troubleshooting package anytime.

Complete Root Access to Your VPS

Our Service Warranties

twenty–four–seven guidance and no configuration fees

Your own Linux KVM virtual private server will be set up in about one hour following signup. We will not charge you any installation costs, so the fee you see on the web site is the final price for your VPS. We have invested time and effort in developing our very own inner networking and are able to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime for your VPS. If you ever require help with the pre–installed applications, you are able to take advantage of our assistance service 24 hours.

Our Service Warranties

Free–Of–Charge Bonus Deals for all of Your websites

Web accelerators, a domain reseller account and much more

The Linux KVM virtual private servers include a group of free–of–charge bonuses, which include a dedicated IP for your Internet site. Additionally, we incorporate a domain reseller account and the ClientExec assistance and charging tool to help you launch your personal reseller website hosting company.

Free–Of–Charge Bonus Deals for all of Your websites

Hepsia Reseller Tools

Get money using your server

Feel the potential of the Tonga Web Host web hosting Panel in initiating your own reseller web hosting enterprise seamlessly. Employ the Manage Accounts feature to establish as many as 5 autonomous subaccounts, each ready for resale to your preferred audience. Even if selling hosting isn't your main goal, using additional accounts can effectively compensate maintenance expenses related to the server. Please keep in mind that while Managed Services packages are provided, assistance with invoice or customer support is not within our capacity.

Hepsia Reseller Tools