Each time you upload a file on a web hosting server, you will need an amount of storage space on the hard drive dependent on its size. In case you run a script-driven internet site which keeps its info in a database, you will need more disk space, the more people use it. For example, if you have a community forum, the greater amount of comments people share, the greater the database will be. E-mails, particularly ones having attachments, also need some space in the website hosting account. The HDD space quota that you will get with any shared hosting supplier is the overall amount of data you could have at any moment, and this features site files, email messages plus databases. Similarly, a computer has a hard disk and the computer software installed on it and any docs or music files that you generate or download require storage space, which cannot exceed the overall capacity of the hdd.

Disk Space in Shared Hosting

We've designed our Linux shared hosting with the idea that the disk space shouldn't be a setback for your websites. While many hosting providers make accounts using one server, and as a matter of fact, the most common Control Panels are designed to operate solely on such a platform, we have applied a different strategy. We have clusters of servers that handle each aspect of the web hosting service, so that your files will be stored on a single cluster, the emails on another one,your databases using a third one, and so on. Using this cloud platform we achieve two things - the hdd space is actually endless since we can connect as many servers and hard drives to the clusters as needed, and we boost the performance of every machine due to the fact that only one type of system processes will operate on it. This custom-made setup will help you extend your sites as you see fit without worrying about running out of disk storage.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Considering the fact that all our semi-dedicated server plans are really powerful, we have chosen not to restrict the disk space characteristic when we have developed them. Our reason is that if you buy a powerful plan, it's more than likely that you've got a considerable amount of web info, consequently each semi-dedicated server package comes with limitless hdd space, which will allow you to direct your attention to developing your sites without worrying if you'll suit an allowance. Your web hosting account will be created on a cloud website hosting system where the databases, files and emails use their individual clusters of servers, thus not only will the machines function more effectively because only one type of system processes will work on them, but in addition you will not ever need to worry for the hdd storage as we will add as many servers or hard drives to each and every cluster as required.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

The HDD space that we provide with our virtual private servers ranges according to the package that you pick when you register. With a more powerful server, you are able to efficiently manage an array of web sites, meaning additional content, thus the greater the VPS package, the more hdd space you will have at your disposal. Switching from one plan to another one takes a couple of clicks and it doesn't involve any kind of service disruption. Your site files, databases and emails will share the amount of space your server comes with, still if you prefer to use preset allocations, you're able to select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel throughout the ordering process. Either of the tools will allow you to set up hosting accounts with limited hdd storage and when required, even to share out space from one account to another one. With the third alternative that you will find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the storage space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

Because of the disk space that we provide with all our Linux dedicated web hosting, we guarantee that you can manage any type of website irrespective of its size. You'll receive no less than 500 GB storage, that you can use as you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you'll get two hard drives, that can be used separately, so as to take advantage of their total storage capacity, or they can be used in RAID and one will be a duplicate the other in real time to make sure that you won't lose crucial information in the event of a hardware fail. You're also given the opportunity to put extra hard drives to increase the whole disk space available even more. This makes it possible for you to make a file or image depository portal without any problems if you'd like. With the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we provide, you're able to set up an individual account for each and every site that you host on the server and pre-set a quota for the storage space it can use. When you select the 3rd solution, our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, all your domains will be managed in one place and they will share the total server disk space.