The monthly traffic feature is generally known as information transfer or bandwidth as well, still all of the aforementioned terms have to do with the very same thing - how much information can be transferred to and from a shared hosting account. The website traffic can be produced in just two ways, the more apparent one being website visits. If someone loads your website, their browser requests and downloads the web pages from your website hosting server and then displays them on their end. The more website visitors you have, the more outgoing traffic is produced from your web hosting account. As this feature includes the entire website traffic, not only your website visits, you shouldn't forget that inward traffic is measured too. This means that website content and various other files that you upload to the account with a file manager or an FTP software are measured towards your account quota. Your transfer is typically tracked monthly and the counter resets on the first day of each and every month regardless of your actual registration date.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

We've selected the characteristics of our shared hosting packagesin a way, in order to facilitate the success of any site hosted on our superior cloud platform. The website traffic that your account can produce is not an exception, as a result with a web hosting package from us, you will not need to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You will be able to host a couple of small and medium-sized web sites and be sure that the monthly traffic quota will not be a problem for their development. In addition, we supply you with detailed hourly, daily and monthly statistics which will give you extra information about the site traffic that a particular web site produces or what type of page/file is being downloaded the most and generates most of the traffic. This type of information can help you arrange the supervision of your websites as well as your marketing strategies more efficiently.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

As our semi-dedicated hosting are really effective, we've made the decision not to put any type of restriction for the monthly traffic that an account can produce. We consider that if you obtain a web hosting package that comes with a great deal of processing power, your websites will presumptively have numerous visitors and given that each visitor makes some traffic, you may end up having inaccessible web sites if there is any limit for this characteristic. With truly unlimited site traffic, you will be sure this cannot happen. For your convenience, you can monitor the content being downloaded and the web site traffic that is generated for every single domain with hourly, daily and monthly numbers that will give you an idea how popular your web sites are. You will be able to even view unique pages and files that have made the most website traffic in the semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Hosting

The monthly website traffic quota for our VPS hosting services is proportionate to the rest of the server’s system resources. When you buy a more powerful server, it is likely that you will manage a popular site or even a number of websites, consequently you will have a lot more site visitors. That's why, the greater package you order, the larger monthly traffic allowance you will get. We will notify you once you reach 90% of that amount, so that you will have enough time to take action and either update your plan or optimize your web sites and decrease the website traffic that they generate until the counter resets the subsequent month. If you choose to update, this can be done through the billing Control Panel and with just a couple of clicks. In addition, you'll be able to keep track of what amount of site traffic your server has already made and what amount is left until you get to the monthly limit. This data will be available in the VPS administration panel where you'll also be able to restart your server and check the employment of all other system resources for instance disk storage, CPU load or physical memory usage.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Web Hosting

Taking into consideration how powerful our Linux dedicated web hosting are, the data transfer that you'll get every single month will be enough for any type of website regardless of the number of its visitors, even if you offer file or image hosting. You'll receive a quota of terabytes of traffic each month and given that you will not share the server with anybody else, that quota will be supplied just for your sites and web apps. We'll let you know the moment you get to 90% of the quota therefore you can react and either optimize your web sites to decrease the website traffic they generate, or increase the limit. It is highly unlikely that you will ever need more than what we'll provide, but we will not obstruct the development of your web sites, that's why we leave the possibility to add additional site traffic open. The dedicated server packages include an administration panel where you can see how much site traffic has been produced so far for the present month and how much is left until you get to the limit. Considering that these figures contain software installations and updates, they're more precise as compared to numerous hosting Control Panel stats that include only the site traffic generated by sites.