Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
The email service, which is an element of our shared hosting plans, is handled with a feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you will be able to access practically everything you will need with regard to your e-mail accounts. The tool is a part of our custom Hepsia Control Panel and we've created it with the concept to offer as many attributes as possible with an intuitive interface. You can see all of the mailboxes that you've created listed in alphabetical order and with a peek you will be able to see if they are forwarded, if they are catch-up or if they have functioning anti-spam protection. Changing any of these characteristics takes just several clicks. By right-clicking on a mailbox, you're able to gain access to context menus with more advanced attributes such as SPF protection. Your Email Manager will also allow you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for widely used mail apps like Microsoft Outlook and / or Apple Mail.
Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With our semi-dedicated hosting, you'll be able to access any function related to your e-mail addresses with only a couple of mouse-clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, that is featured with our website hosting accounts, will allow you to take advantage of a feature-rich Email Manager tool where you'll be able to view and control all of your mailboxes - connect to the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail or Outlook, set up a catch-all mailbox or activate anti-spam protection. For more experienced clients, there are options like SPF protection along with e-mail lists, which are also a click away. With right-click contextual menus and quick access links, you'll have total control of all kinds of things from a single place and with a very intuitive interface. The latter will save you a lot of time and it'll make the administration of your e-mail addresses very easy.