Using email messages with your personal domain is far more handy plus it will give you more authority as a firm in case you correspond with partners. Such an e-mail address also looks far better when a random visitor on your site contacts you via a feedback form and you need to answer. How simple it is to control your electronic mail communication is as essential as the quality of the service, as some hosting Control Panels make it quite challenging and time-consuming to perform uncomplicated duties for example enabling anti-spam protection or forwarding your e-mail messages. Because of this, you should take advantage of an e-mail service that will allow you to gain access to everything quickly and which will make the management of your email messages quick and simple.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Shared Hosting

The Email Manager tool that is part of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel and that is included with all of our Linux shared hosting gives you total control of every aspect of your email communication. With only a few clicks you are able to do whatever you would like, from simple tasks such as creating/deleting a mailbox, forwarding e-mail messages or creating anti-spam protection, to more complicated ones for instance using e-mail lists or activating SPF protection for a certain domain name that you host in the account. All the functions are conveniently located in one place and they are easily accessible through right-click context menus and instant access links using a really easy-to-work-with interface. Even if you've never had a website hosting account of your own before, you'll be able to control your email messages quickly and easily. Thorough help articles and training videos which are available in the Email Manager will inform you of the most efficient way to do any type of task.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our semi-dedicated server packages come with an innovative Email Manager instrument that will supply you with accessibility to a range of attributes connected to your email addresses. As the software instrument is part of our in-house made Hepsia web hosting Control Panel, it also includes the exact same easy-to-navigate and intuitive interface, so you'll be able to manage your e-mail correspondence easily even when you have never had a website hosting account before. You're able to set up or delete a new mailbox with 2 clicks and right-clicking on an active one provides you with accessibility to more complex attributes like forwarding, anti-spam protection and / or setting up a catch-all mailbox. More experienced users may use the Email Manager to set up and control mailing lists or set up SPF protection for a specific domain name. In the same section you may also access the webmail with a few mouse-clicks or download auto-configuration files for widespread e-mail clients such as Apple Mail or Outlook.