Varnish in Shared Hosting
You can use Varnish’s full potential and improve your websites’ loading speed irrespective of the shared hosting package that you have selected and you can activate and configure the platform with a few mouse clicks through the simple-to-use interface offered by our innovative Hepsia hosting Control Panel. During the process, you’ll be able to choose two different things – how many websites will employ Varnish, in other words – the number of instances, and how much content will be cached, in other words – the amount of system memory. The latter comes in increments of 32 MB and is not linked to the number of instances, so you can use more instances and less memory and vice versa. If you’ve got a lot of content on a certain website and you attract numerous site visitors, more system memory will guarantee you a better result. You may also consider using a dedicated IP address for the sites that will use Varnish. Hepsia will offer you easy 1-click buttons for switching off or restarting any instance, for clearing the cache associated with any Internet site and for viewing exhaustive logs.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The semi-dedicated hosting offered by us will permit you to employ Varnish as soon as your brand new account has been opened, as the platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be assigned to Varnish the second your account is activated, so you can use this load balancing software once your site has been built. If you’re in need of more memory, you can get 32 MB at a time from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel and it will be allocated to your semi-dedicated server in an instant. You can also increase the number of the websites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not directly bound to the amount of system memory that you use, which goes to say that you will enjoy more freedom. The platform will enormously decrease the load generated by your websites, so your site visitors can enjoy fast-loading pages. You’ll be able to manage Varnish with no effort from your Control Panel using quick-access controls. You will be able to start/deactivate any of the instances that you’ve got, to delete the cache for any of your sites or to check system log files.
Varnish in VPS Hosting
You can use the workload balancing potential of Varnish with all our VPS hosting services in case you pick Hepsia as your Control Panel. The caching platform comes by default and the amount of system memory that it will be able to use to cache your site content depends on the particular plan that you’ve picked, but even with the less powerful packages, you’ll have no less than several hundred MB of memory at your disposal solely for content caching purposes. This amount is sufficient enough to boost the performance of numerous sites. It’ll take a little time for you to detect the results, since Varnish caches the content that visitors access, but after that you will notice the considerably less load on your VPS and the improved Internet site browsing speed. Varnish will allow you to use a lower-end VPS package for websites which would typically need a more expensive web hosting solution.
Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting
If you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will acquire the Varnish platform at no extra charge and you’ll exert full control over it via an incredibly user-friendly graphical interface – you will be able to start, to disable or to restart an instance, to check an exhaustive system log, to delete the cached content for any website and much, much more. The Varnish caching platform will have several GB of memory at its disposal, so even if you host resource-requiring websites with a vast number of visitors, you’ll notice the tremendously faster web page loading times and the less load on the server. This will happen soon after you start using the Varnish platform, as it will need some time to cache the site content that people access. You can take full advantage of the platform’s capabilities if the Internet sites that are using it use also a dedicated IP, but due to the fact that your dedicated server includes several IPs by default, you won’t need to pay anything on top of your monthly fee for the server itself.